Thursday, January 24, 2008

Letting go of it.

So I have realized that I was in absolute love with my maquette, the Key Keeper. Here is the break down. I took a class last quarter called "Dimensional Illustration" and twisted it into a class on building maquettes. I made two. The robot and the arm guy which you can see if you scroll down. I did well in the class and put a ton of time into the work. I loved it.

But I have realized that I was holding myself back to some extent. I didn't fully understand that I was hampering the process of my other classes. Which I also did ok in but not as well as I should have.

Anyway below is the final image that I sent in to my prof.

Now this is image is terrible. I am disappointed with the blurry quality and graininess. But that is the price I pay for trying to sculpt and paint down to the last minute.

This is not a personal bashing session, those are tuesday nights. No this is an honest critique of myself. Improvement has to happen or you suck forever...